Deadpool Movie is Finally a Go

deadlpool test footage

Deadpool test footage was leaked, gained steam, and now it’s coming to theaters.

After much anticipation, disappointment, more anticipation, more disappointment, and you get the point, Fox and Marvel have announced that Deadpool has gotten a February 2016 release date. There are still plenty of questions to be answered, like will Marvel step in and keep it from being Rated R or will Ryan Reynolds disappoint us like he did in the Green Lantern, I can’t help but be excited. Deadpool is one of the most fun characters to hit comic books.

Here is what was said on the Twitterverse last night after the announcement:


Here are a couple tweets from the creator of Deadpool as well:

Andy G for short, is a digital media designer for a local college, previously for some radio stations. If you’re wondering what a digital media designer is, he helps make the internet look pretty. When not at work, he is either at the gym or involved in generally nerdy activities.